
Virtual Feedback!

Wanted to share in this new current world, as per the quote from Charles Darwin, that sales workshops and coaching via online can be very effective and impactful:

“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change.” 

Below just sharing some feedback comments and testimonials from sales professionals that have first-hand experience of virtual sessions that I have been running during lockdown.

Feedback comments

·      Great sessions

·      More time would have been welcome … it is a pity! 

·      Very good - of course did not realise that you could negotiation working on a virtual session. 

·      This session was great as a virtual session. 


·      Exciting experience from an obviously super salesman (facilitator) 

·      David is a great facilitator and the team I’m training with is good because we are all in various fields of the business. 

·      Pace is quite fast particularly around the individual exercises but appreciate a lot to get through over 3 days virtually.  

·      I think this is a well-presented practical course. Well done to David for keeping our attention and participation whilst doing this course online. 

David Graham